A Chink in the Armor

A Chink in the Armor is back.

Location: Holland, PA, United States

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Two Ted Kennedy jokes made up on the fly:

-Wow, it sure was hot the other night in DC. It was so hot, Ted Kennedy drove his car into a river just to cool off.

-The Senate released their financial records, today, and apparently, Ted Kennedy gets $2500 a month from renting out a parking space. Well yeah, what would he need a parking space for, his car is parked at the bottom of the river.

I'm saddened by the loss of President Reagan, but in a way, he was already long gone. I'm glad that so many people appreciated him so much that they waited for hours in the wee hours to see him, but I'm a bit upset that some of my own friends wouldn't. I guess it's a generational gap thing, so I can understand a bit, but it's puzzling. I guess if you remember the Eighties, Ronald Reagan was always like a wise grandfather who protected us. I know now that the next time I go to California, I'm going to be seeing a lot of graves, that's for sure.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of us who remember the 80s remember Reagan as the senile grandfather that didn't think laws applied to him. I'm sorry that he had to go through Alzheimer's, but he should have resigned the presidency by 86. - Donald

July 30, 2004 at 11:03:00 PM EDT  

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