A Chink in the Armor

A Chink in the Armor is back.

Location: Holland, PA, United States

Monday, May 31, 2004

Wow, what a great day in DC. I stood with three presidents, Tom Hanks, Tom Brokaw, Bob Dole, and a couple thousand WWII veterans on the Mall as we sang God Bless America, with a flight of F-16s flying overhead. The WWII Memorial is nice, but I just hope that we don't go overboard with building war memorials. I can understand building a Vietnam memorial, as the war was still a raw wound in the nation's psyche, and vets needs someplace to make peace with their buddies in a lost cause. I can also kinda understand the Korean one, because if you have a Vietnam one, you need a Korean one. But we kicked major ass in WWII. We're certainly not gloating, or at least I hope we're not. They ephasized remember the sacrifices of the "Greatest Generation" yesterday, which is fine, but call it that, the the National Greatest Generation Memorial. This begs the questions: do the have a national WWII memorial in Germany? I know they have a shrine to the war dead in Japan (which also honors convicted war criminals) but how about a memorial?

Enterprise (the show) got saved. Too bad. That show needed to go. Don't get me wrong, I love Star Trek, but this show is awful. When their SECOND episode features a plot recycled from VOYAGER, of all shows, you know things are bad. The first two seasons, I gave them the benefit of the doubt, as the first two seasons of TNG, DS9 and Voyager have been downright unwatchable, but they did so without shredding the timeline. From the start, I said that the creators seemed to prefer style over substance, and with three seasons in the can, that has not changed. It doesn't matter how many times they show T'Pol's naked backside, it doesn't make up for the poor writing and utter disregard for established Star Trek continuity. There's no law in the universe that says that there HAS to be a Star Trek series on at any given time. If they're out of ideas, and they are, whether they believe it or not, it's time to give it a rest. There was a twenty year layoff between the first and second Star Trek franchises, and TNG rocked. Forget having a Star Trek series for awhile. Satiate fan interest and test new possiblities with occasional two hour TV movies or mini-series' during sweeps. There were many ideas tossed around while they were trying to decide on what to make a fifth series about, why not try them all on a lesser scale with a made for TV movie or mini-series?

Random thoughts:

-The Kerry girls make the Bush girls look like the Coors Lite twins.

-Journey's coming to Trenton in July, and tickets for the cheap seats cost 43 bucks. Yes, Journey. I love Journey, but do they still have enough cachet to demand 43 bucks for cheap seats?

-If anyone's interested in going to a Journey concert in July, let me know. Tickets start at $43.


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