A Chink in the Armor

A Chink in the Armor is back.

Location: Holland, PA, United States

Friday, September 22, 2006

Wow, it's been over a year since the last post. Dustin pointed this out to me at his wedding. I was shocked that he even read my blog. BTW, congrats to Dustin and Alyson, and to Alan and Jill as well.

- Over the past three years, I've often found myself trying to explain to my non-Yankee friends why some Yankees fans, myself included, will never be completely won over by Alex Rodriguez. I try to explain to them how A-Rod never seems to act naturally, how everything that comes out of his mouth seems to be perfected scripted by a PR expert, how it seems like he's more of a corporation than a player. Mind you, none of this has to do with his lack of production in big spots, but rather, just how phony he appears to be. I always told them that I felt that A-Rod never sounds like he's speaking his mind, how he's too afraid of what people think of him, too reserved and too nice to tell Curt Schilling that the only way he'd get into the Hall of Fame would be to buy a ticket. Well, in this week's Sports Illustrated, he spoke his mind, and now, I wish he'd just shut up. We now all know he's whiny, he's arrogant, and he somehow thinks people might boo him because he's biracial, yet cheer Derek Jeter, who's also biracial. I don't know why it's so hard for him to figure out: Just win. If A-Rod goes 1 for 30 in the World Series, and that one hit is the game winning hit in the clinching game, then he'll be a hero. If he goes 18 for 30 in the same series and the Yankees lose, then he's a bum. That's all he has to know. It's not how many hits he gets, it's when, and how important.

-Speaking of Curt Schilling, I can't stand him. Hey Curt, who asked you?

-And speaking of Jeter: only Derek Jeter can make David Ortiz look like an asshole. When Papi was going up against A-Rod for the MVP last season, Papi could do no wrong. Go against the Captain, and he's a bitter asshole. You gotta know that bothers the hell out of A-Rod too.

-When Sidney Ponson threw to Sal Fasano in one game in early August, were they the heaviest battery ever? Can we get Jayson Stark on this?

-I broke down and bought Ace Combat Zero without waiting for the price to drop below twenty bucks. I figured, they most likely won't make another Ace Combat game for the PS2 ever again, and in either case, the next AC game is for the PSP, so I didn't see a price drop in the near future. And let me just say, AC Zero is worth the money, like every other AC game. Namco, I tip my cap to you.

-My cousin and I watched this Chinese film, 2046, recently, and I say this without any fear of sounding like an ignoramus, but what happened? I'd like to think of myself as a film buff, heck, I even liked Magnolia. But I didn't get this film. I know some movies you're just not supposed to get, like 2001: A Space Odyssey, is this one of them? In the movie, some characters spoke Mandarin, and others replied in Cantonese. Do real Chinese people do that?

-Allow me to recommend the Logitech Wireless Headphones for PC. Greatest $30-40 you'll ever spend. To be honest, the headphones themselves are a bit uncomfortable, but I don't wear them for more than an hour stretch at a time anyway. The sound quality is crystal clear within 150 feet, no static, no cracking like with RF wireless headphones. If you use headphones at work, these are the ones to get.

-So Muslims are upset at the Pope for repeating something that SOMEONE ELSE SAID? Something that he prefaced by saying it was a bit harsh? People, read the entire article before overreacting.

-Say what you will about Tom and Katie, but that's a good looking baby.

-Still looking for a job in the DC area. Little help?

I'll try to update more often, I promise.


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